
Monday, March 1, 2021

February review & March goals

Woohoo! Already 2 months down. Take that, 2021.

Gaming wise, February was a poor showing. Due to some issues, our regular D&D grew sparse. The Wrath&Glory crew reactivated into a new D&D crew though, and we got some sessions in (originally planned as a sample one-shot, but we're already into our second adventure). That's about it.

I originally proclaimed the month of Bones, and I did get some stuff painted, but obviously, not all. So this will continue into March.

I also proclaimed the month of commission working, which went well (and the reason for getting less of my own projects done). Contrast minis done, as well as a huge chunk out of my first ever Warhammer comission: The Triumph of Saint Katherine. This will also continue (and hopefully finish) in March.

Finally, I finished something started in December. This is Warhammer-related and might be the start of something new, but with no games going on, I have 0 motivation to get things done. So hang tight, I promise nothing.

... looking back, the lack of gaming sure meant more painting. I'm OK with this!

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