
Monday, March 1, 2021

D&D 5E one shot collection - Prib's plot, episode 2

This one was a bit shorter than expected, as we finished earlier due to the Mars rover landing. To be honest, I also expected to wrap up General Aslani's recovery in a hurry. Then again, adventurers.

We picked up the conversation with the satyr where we left it off. The adventurers inquired as to what is happening in the temple, and what's with all the hard partying. According to the satyr, all these people came here to have a good time. They brought with them stuff - food, drinks, pipes etc - and now they're enjoying life. He tried to involve the adventurers into drinking and whatnot, but to no avail, except a sip here or there. Except for Ulfgar, who promptly departed for the entrance, intent on bringing in a barrel of ale.

Everybody else quickly tired of the useless chatter and asked about General Aslani. The satyr pointed to the doors at the end of the room, and said the general is there, and probably drunk. He was unconcerned about his condition, and mostly everything else.

And so the adventurers went in, and found the general sprawled over the railing of a water basin. He was quite drunk, and quite adamant that he wanted to stay that way. The adventurers tricked him with the promise of "lusty wenches" in the room next door, but they mucked it up halfway and the general returned to his drinking spot. Groot went ahead to poke him, at which the drunkard flew into a rage and pulled his greatsword. Roll for initiative.

Even drunk[1], the man for more than a match for the adventurers. Through a streak of incredible luck, he reduced them one by one to 0 health, instead of killing them or inflicting bleeding wounds. And so Groot, Niko and Wizzik laid down on the floor.

A highlight of the fight was the disproportionate number of 1-s rolled. Initially, the adventurers only wanted to disarm the man. Wizzik - with help from Bernie - pushed him into the basin, and Groot jumped him to take his sword. 1! Aslani took Groot's greataxe instead. Niko rolled a 1 and dropped his shortsword; the general rolled a 1 and dropped his greatsword (he used the axe afterwards); and Niko rolled another one, hitting Groot below the belt by mistake.

Bernie fled, shooting his shortbow, but Aslani failed to take the bait, and took cover behind the wall.

Bernie decided to ask the satyr for help, which he refused along with good natured laughter. He had no concern about the safety of strangers. As for the general, he'll calm down eventually.

In the meantime, Ulfgar rolled in with a barrel of ale and urged the party people to drink. Not much urging was needed, and they all drank until passing out - along with Ulfgar! Bernie poured some of the messed up green liquid into his mouth[2], and the dwarf woke up coughing. Bernie brought him up to speed, and the dwarf did not relent. He rolled his barrel into the basin room, intent on a final drinking contest. Already drunk and wounded, Aslani was easy to trick and he drank until passing out as well. Ulfgar checked his team mates - all unconscious, but alive. All's well. Now what?

Bernie and Ulfgar carried their unconscious teammates to the temple entrance, along with the general, whom they disarmed and disarmored, then tied up to a column for good measure. In a couple of hours, the adventurers came to, and they recovered their fallen weapons. Niko also found a sack of gold hidden in the basin, which he split with his fellows.

After a short debate, the party decided to leg it back to town. Bernie and Ulfgar were in fighting condition, along with Wizzik who had healed himself. I sprang no surprises along the way, and they returned the general for a hefty reward.

We had some time left, so we leveled up to 2, and wanted to start with the second adventure. It is then I discovered that roll20 requires a paid subscription for character transfers between games. I did some manual transfer of assets in a hurry, and we played about 10 minutes - but that's a tale for another time.

[1] Poisoned condition, so attacking with disadvantage.
[2] Tasting of rotten fish, used socks and the like.

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