
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Painting the Fane of Slaanesh (top part)


I tried for a unified scheme with the base - some common color schemes like the mirror and the skull. I also tried to balance the gemstone technical paints with those on the base.


Prime Chaos Black, then spray Leadbelcher.

Purple silver

Paint the inner parts with Volupus Pink. Then paint the outer surfaces with Shyish Purple. The chains simulate regular silver, so paint Nuln Oil Gloss.

Use a large drybrush to apply Silver all over.

Other details

The portal gets the same treatment as the mirror on the base.

This time, I diluted the grey and the pink with Contrast Medium for transparency, and highlighted only the raised areas of the circles. Quite trippy.

The skull ornament is the same shade of obsidian as the vase on the base.

Daemon flesh

I haven't painted slaaneshi daemon flesh since 2015. I followed  the same ideas with using mostly washes and glazes, as I tried to approximate the Keeper of Secrets boxart.

Basecoat Grey Seer.

I approximated Daemonette Hide with a 1:1 mix of Heavy Violet and Cold Grey. I mixed in a large amount of Contrast Medium, and covered the entire area. I am less than impressed.

A second layer of the same stuff (maybe a bit less medium) around the eyes, nose, mouth, chin.

I did the same steps on the crucified (?) Daemonette. She ain't no statue - she's condemned to stay there for eternity.

Still not enough shadows. Dilute Shyish Purple with Contrast medium to darken down the eyes...

... the claws and the armor.

Start the highlighting/cleanup by glazing Grey Seer.

Then Pallid Wych Flesh.

Edge highlight the dark areas with Daemonette Hide, then Pallid Wych Flesh.

Face details

I went for huge anime eyes. I usually do the whites first and then dot in the iris but this was too big for that. So I painted them in black (Black Templar was excellent to flow into the surrounding areas and give the shadowing), and then I drew small triangles in the corners using Spectral White.

Two small Dead White dots to simulate reflectivity, and there you have the creepiest eyes I have ever painted.

I basecoated the hair with a mix of Scarlet Red and Hexed Lichen.

Wash Druchii Violet, then highlight with Warlord Purple.

Warlord Purple + Cold Grey provides the desaturated superhighlight.

Paint the cords black. Finally paint the gold and silver.


I can't tell if the eyes are being pierced by the headdress or not, but they are very small so I just dotted them Black Templar. Then paint the headdress/torture device silver as above. Finish off with the gemstones: Waystone Green and Blood for the Blood God!

With that, the main part of the top half is done... but wait, there's more!


Drill and pin to corks. Prime black. Paint the metalics silver and gold.

Paint the cords black.

Spray varnish, then paint the gems again with Silver and apply gemstone technical paints, and Blood for the Blood God!


The assembly areas are fairly large, so I scraped at them with my hobby knife and used plastic glue for a stronger bond.

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