
Thursday, February 4, 2021

Painting Yog-Sothoth (gibbering mouther)


More aberrations! I don't even know where this mini is from.

Original state

Sprayed with some sort of light khaki green. Death Guard Green, perhaps?


I honored the original idea by keeping the greenish tones of the skin. Overall wash Athonian Camoshade, then drybrush Dead Flesh.

For the mouths, I wanted the look of the monstrous mouth, but had no intention to put on 10 layers of Warlord Purple on the inside. So let's experiment with Contrast! Start with an undercoat of Wraithbone.

Volupus Pink. Already looking good.

Highlight with Squid Pink.

Superhighlight Wraithbone.

I thought it was too light and stark, so I did another coat of Volupus Pink. To be honest, there's barely a difference between this and the original state after Contrast. Perhaps dilute it next time, or go back to Carroburg Crimson.

After that, it was just the grind of picking out all the teeth.

And then, all the eyes. For variety, I did some vertical slit pupils, as well as one horizontal slit, then gave these a coat of Lamenter's Yellow, for a more animalistic look.

Almost forgot about the skeleton inside!


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