
Thursday, April 1, 2021

March review & April goals

Slooooowly grinding through the year. 2021 = 2020-won.


Nothing changed gaming wise. I skipped a few D&D posts due to technical difficulties, but fear not: it is still ongoing. Both campaigns, actually. And they're both on roll20 now! Neat. Although it is so very strange to be blocked by Fog of War (as a player) :D

Of the things I started painting last month, I managed to finish some. As in, ALL commission backlog is now done. This includes some new Contrast minis and some stuff I had from last year, for which inspiration finally struck. And that's it for now. I don't want to do commissions for a while - I have my own stuff to paint.

This left little time for other painting projects, so I still have Bones to paint. I expect to be done with my dinos and dark elves this month, and then maybe I'll wander into Warhammer territory again...

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