
Monday, March 29, 2021

Painting Warg riders


I purchased them while the D&D party was still of lower level. Probably will not see any use for a while, but an excellent occasion to try out some fur painting. From the GW Lord of the Rings line.

Light fur: Contrast

Prime White (should have been Wraithbone, my bad).

Basecoat of diluted Skeleton Horde.

Coat all the fur, as well as some parts of the skin with diluted Snakebite Leather.

About half of the previous area gets a coat of diluted Gore Grunta Fur. Then half of that diluted Wyldwood.

Finish off with a coat of diluted Black Templar across the spine of the wolf.

Light fur: traditional

Basecoat all the fur, as well as some parts of the skin with Bonewhite.

About 75% gets covered in Zandri Dust.

Heavy Brown.

Charred Brown.

Bathe the warg in Agrax Earthshade.

Grey fur

Basecoat 1:1 mix of Black and Cold Grey.

Heavy drybrush Cold Grey.

Bathe the wolf in diluted Basilicanum Grey.

Light drybrush of Stonewall Grey, heavier on the face to accentuate details.

Then a line of Basilicanum Grey across the center of the back.

Black fur

Black primer.

Incubi darkness (Turqoise + Black) layer wherever the fur is not tufting.

I tried to mix Sombre Grey and Black to imitate The Fang, but it was either going into a dark neutral grey (killing all the blues) or got too light.

I fixed that with an overall bath of Basilicanum Grey. This was perfect for the blue, but it suppressed the turqoise beneath. Oh well.

Highlight with Sombre Grey.

Downwards light drybrush with Wolf Grey. 

Then drybrush across the spine with Dead White.

Deepen the shadows with Drakenhof Nightshade. While still wet, introduce some browns by painting all the fur, as well as some areas next to the deepest shadows, with Agrax Earthshade.

Superhighlight Wolf Grey. Take it further with Dead White on the face.

Painting the riders

I gave up on the orc skin painting tip and tried something else. Basecoat Heavy Green. Highlight with a mix of Heavy Green and Dead Flesh, then pure Dead Flesh.

I disliked the stark contrast, so I applied some washes for testing.

Athonian Camoshade.

Biel-Tan Green.

Hexwraith Flame.

I intended to keep just one result as a reference for the future, but I liked the subtle variety.

Next up: rusty armor. I also laid on Wraithbone for any leftover areas.

Contrast basecoats.

The teeth got Skeleton Horde, then a line of Volupus Pink for the gums. Highlight Off White.

Light and medium leather. Just Basilicanum Grey and Stonewall Grey on the hair.


Woodland base.


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