
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Painting Beastmen


The best eBay find ever, with 2 or 3 pounds for the whole lot. After converting some of them for variety, it was time for batch painting and experiments with Contrast and metals.


Prime Wraithbone, then start by laying on the basecoat for the skin, which is the largest area of these minis. I did them in sets of 5; one each of the light and medium skintones, and one by experimenting with Guilliman Flesh. All highlight done by drybrushing to speed up the process.

First drybrush of Pale Flesh, then Pale Flesh mixed with Off White. Pale but reddish in the shadows - unsure if I like it.

Next up, I blocked in all the Contrast basecoats, then proceeded to do highlights.

Medium leather belt.

Light leather straps on the arms and weapon, as well as the satchel.

I tried something new on the wood: one coat of Wyldwood, highlight with Dark Fleshtone, then mixed with Tan. Takes the wood into a more reddish tone; it's OK for variation.

The fur areas and hooves got a coat of Basilicanum Grey; the hooves then got another coat of Black Templar. Drybrush all over them with Cold Grey. Then just some edge highlights with Stonewall Grey on the hooves.

Volupus Pink on the snout.

Lay down the Bonewhite/Wraithbone basecoats for the next stage.

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