
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Painting Ogres (Warhammer Ogors)


I bought these 3 as a random eBay bargain. They've already seen action in D&D. As they're mostly flesh, I decided to apply my time saving techniques and also to experiment with Contrast and metals.

Missing arm

They had some broken off parts, which I simply glued back on; but this guy had his left weapon chopped off above and below. I searched for a suitable replacement; I have no idea what this part I found is. Looks like a mancatcher hook, so good enough.


Prime Wraithbone. Medium skintone by drybrushing. Then lay on the Contrast basecoats.

Medium leather boots.

Light leather straps on the arms and weapon. Wood the same as on the beastmen.

Filthy pants, but I tried some variation with the Contrast paint. Militarum Green, Aethermatic Blue, Apothecary White. Nice faded colors.

Filthy Brown stitches, highlight with the rest of the fabric.

Highlight the stone club with Stonewall Grey.

The eyes were too small to really paint, so I just laid in some Nuln Oil for accents.

The teeth and nails got a basecoat of Bonewhite, then Skeleton Horde. The teeth then got a coat of Agrax, while the nails got some Gore Grunta Fur to simulate grime. Bonewhite highlight both.

Some Typhus Corrosion around the back of the pants really hammers home the lack of bodily hygiene.

Metals & decorated shield

Rusty metal all over.

Then something special for the shield. Trace the outer cross with two coats of Black Templar - still easier than doing regular black. Then paint the interior, as well as the leather straps, with two Coats of Grey Seer.

Highlight the inner cross with Dead White. Paint the straps Snakebite Leather.

Differentiate the little skull by painting it Glorious Gold, then shading Reikland Fleshshade Gloss.


Woodland base.


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