
Monday, May 10, 2021

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Knock knock!

The first order of business, after a short rest, was to explore this dead-end cavern. I sent in my invisible owl, but it only discovered humanoid corpses, and a magic portal. Boring.

We carried on into the caverns, running into a cave guarded by goblinoids. I sent my zombie to draw them out, but they did not attack, and did not follow.

I guess it's time to do it the old fashioned way... Lightning Bolt! The zombie then blocked the way, and we killed them off, one by one.

Next up: another room full of goblinoid guards. They must have been alerted by the sounds of battle, as the owl saw them with weapons readied towards the entrance. But nobody expects the invisible wizard to unleash a Lightning Bolt from the side! The rest of the party did not wait for my signal, and Tari took some javelins to the face, but in the end, we ground down the bugbears to the last.

The owl revealed a side cavern with a zombie beholder, so we decided to retreat and rest.

Which meant that I could prepare a Knock spell! Selene also joined us late in the evening , and we went in to open the magic door.

Some sort of tentacled monster was lying in the middle of the room, which presented no real points of interest, other than blocks of stone and some statues. We tiptoed in and launched attacks, which made it disappear into the stone floor.

We readied attacks, but it resurfaced right below me, throwing me off. It then attacked us, but a round of shooting killed it. So fast in fact, that I did not manage to catch it on screen.

We then inspected the room and the stone blocks. I thought it a waste of time, but we actually found a block that was a bit different. Selene flew atop of it, collapsing it. Turns out, it was a hiding place for an alabaster throne. The one Volo made us look for.

The throne was too large to carry out, but we discovered it had at least one magical property: anyone sitting on it could not tell a lie. We had some fun interrogating each other, then ended the session there.

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