
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Painting an Ankylosaurus


A Reaper Ankylosaur  for our druid to transform into. To honor my childhood memories of watching dinosaurs on Discovery Channel, I decided on a traditional brown color scheme - the way they were most often shown.


Prime Wraithbone. Then coat overall in diluted Skeleton Horde.

Paint the bone/armor parts in Skeleton Horde. The spikes are only painted halfway up, so their ends are still lighter. Then paint just the armor plates in Snakebite Leather.

Line in between with Gore Grunta Fur.

Paint the skin parts with diluted Wyldwood. Line the ridges in Wyldwood.

Overall very soft drybrush using Bonewhite.

Paint the mouth Volupus Pink, the eyes Nazdreg Yellow, then draw the pupils Black Templar. Proceed to basing. 


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