
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Swamp base

Glue Citadel Barbed Bracken to the base, then overall Stirland Mud.

These plants look great, but are very low-hanging. If the mini stands on any sort of molded in base, it will look silly. So glue on pieces of sprue, and fill out the rest of the base using home made putty.

When applying the putty, make sure to leave depressions - later to become ponds.

Glue the bracken on the pieces of sprue. The plastic parts can get Stirland Mud, but if they are already primed - and also across the putty - you are better off with just Wyldwood.

Paint the bracken in White Primer. Then paint Wraithbone. Ideally, they would have been mounted before the mini is painted so I could have spray primed, but oh well. Dilute Wraithbone and paint across the base. This not only covers the splodges/spots caused by painting the plants, but also gives lighter patches for the next step.

Cover it all in Plaguebearer Flesh. Then switch to Militarum Green for the center/stem of the bracken. Also do large patches on the ground.

It should look like this. Already swampy.

Paint some of the larger leaves in Akhelian Green, for variety.

Then some more in Shyish Purple.

Overall very soft drybrush Bonewhite.

At this point paint the rim black and the spray varnish comes in. Then on to some water effects. Pour it directly into the depressions, then use a brush to spread it around. Vallejo Still Water is supposed to be self-leveling, but sometimes it tends to remain as droplets.

If it dries white, fear not; it will clear up in about a week.

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