
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Painting Rhox Veterans


After the Blighted Reaver, I got the itch to do more from the Magic the Gathering: Arena of the Planeswalkers board game.




Do the skin in Basilicanum Grey. This is the largest area, and I was somewhat sloppy. Then I did highlights with Stonewall Grey. This had the added benefit that I went around the minis and discovered what details they had - as they are low quality, it really wasn't obvious at first glance.

Correct mistakes with Wraithbone, then lay down the rest of the Contrast basecoats. I also did Seraphim Sepia on the skirts, and Chainmail Silver on the weapons, shaded with Agrax Earthshade. I did this as opposed to Nuln Oil, because I noticed on the Reaver that silver weapons and light grey skin blend into each other too much.

Highlight the details:

Dark brown wood (shield).


Light leather straps and belt.

Medium leather bracers.

Warm white cloth.

Silver trim on the shield - on the weapon use Agrax Earthshade instead of Nuln Oil, for variety.

Simple gold - Glorious Gold, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, 


Woodland base.


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