
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Painting Inquisitor Greyfax


I bought this kit some time ago, along with some classic inquisitors. I loved everything about this kit, including the official color scheme. I went with it, although of course I experimented with the coloring of the metalics.



Dark silver armor 

I saw this somewhere and wanted to try something different, TMM but colored.

Mix Gunmetal and Black about 2:1 for the basecoat.

Dilute Druchii Violet with Lahmian Medium about 1:1 and wash overall.

Highlight with the original base tone. This leaves the purple shade residing in the dark recesses, for a slightly off-colored hue.

Dilute Guilliman Blue 1:1 and glaze pushing the color upwards. The idea would be to have the purple residing in the lower parts and the blue in the upper areas.

But by the time I finished the edge highlights with Chainmail Silver, the blue was almost invisible. So I did another thin layer, leaving me with this slightly colored dark silver. 

Bright gold

Also departing from the usual warm gold tones, I basecoated the gold parts with Polished Gold, and washed with Athonian Camoshade. Not my go-to shade but looks surprisingly good.

Highlight with Polished Gold, which is already pretty bright. For the superhighlight, I mixed in Fluo Yellow.

Other details

Shiny black coat and hat, light skintone.


There's some recessed details on the hat, coat and vambraces. Dilute some Bloody Red and let it flow into the grooves with a small brush. Two layers are enough even over black. Then highlight the lower edges with Orange Fire.

Under coat and boltgun casing

I decided on the same shade of red for these two details. All the colors applied by glazing to the coat were applied as a highlight/edge highlight to the boltgun.

Basecoat Charred Brown.

First layer of Scarlet Red.

Second layer of Gory Red.

Then just a bit of Hot Orange on the edges.

Remaining details

Paint the purity seal as for Cherubael (which should be a painting tip by now).

Light skintone with eyes and lipsShiny silver bionic eye with Soulstone Blue lens.


Inquisition base, with Polished Gold washed Agrax Earthshade for some faded looks but highlighted again with Polished Gold on the corners.


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