
Monday, December 27, 2021

Painting an inquisitor with incinerator


The first of the trio of classic inquisitors, named after Lucretia from the series 'Spartacus'. (Yes I know she was a brunette, I only came up with the names after I painted the miniatures.)


Prime black, then paint the armor blue/green silver

Red cloth

I tried an alternate scheme. Basecoat Heavy Red, then mix with Charred Brown and water it down to use as a wash in the recesses.

Mix in more Charred Brown and draw the deepest recesses.

Layer the folds Gory Red, then edge highlight Bloody Red.

It looks fine but it's quite the hassle, you have to wait for multiple shades to dry. Might as well go with Agrax Earthshade instead?

Yet another blond hair experiment

Basecoat Filthy Brown.

Wash Seraphim Sepia, pushing it upwards.

Highlight Heavy Goldbrown, giving it the perfect shade of desaturated yellow.

I mixed Bonewhite and Off White for the final highlight, but I think Bonewhite would have sufficed.

Remaining details

Shiny silver metallics, then cover some with Snakebite Leather and Iyanden Yellow for bronze/gold effects. 

Light skintone with eyes and lips.

Paint the flames with washes, but use Wraithbone and Iyanden Yellow for the basecoat.

Paint the purity seal as for Cherubael (which should be a painting tip by now).


Inquisition base, with Polished Gold washed Agrax Earthshade for some faded looks but highlighted again with Polished Gold on the corners.


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