
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Painting an inquisitor with power maul and plasma pistol


The second of the trio of classic inquisitors, named after the platinum blonde Ilithyia from the series 'Spartacus'.


Chaos Black.

Dark gold power armor

Basecoat with a mix of Tinny Tin and Bright Bronze.

Layer Bright Bronze.

Although the shadows are darker, the two colors are pretty similar, so I did some blacklining with Black Templar.

The camera doesn't show it, but I added more definition to the shadows with Druchii Violet.

First highlight with Glorious Gold.

Second highlight with Polished Gold, then just the brightest corners around the face with Off White.

Dark purple cloth

The armor plays towards yellow and the cloth plays towards purple for a nice contrasting scheme.

Start with a basecoat of 2:1 mix of Royal Purple and Magic Blue.

Mix in a bit of Off White for broad highlights.

I tried to reproduce Slaanesh Grey by mixing Stonewall Grey and Heavy Violet. I don't have the exact ratio. Edge highlight with this mix.

Darken down the recesses with Drakenhof Nightshade.

It got way too dark, so I glazed the tops of the folds with the previous violet/grey mixture.

Yet another blond hair experiment

Basecoat Zandri Dust

Layer Bonewhite.

Coat with diluted Skeleton Horde.

I tried increasing the contrast by applying Off White, diluted Seraphim Sepia, then Off White again, but it's barely visible. Perhaps on larger hair strands, such as on a Witch Aelf (which this color scheme originally used), this would be worth something.

Remaining details

Shiny silver metallics, then cover some with Snakebite Leather and Iyanden Yellow for bronze/gold effects. 

Light skintone with eyes and lips.

Dark silver for the mace head and pistol, then paint the mace head in Aethermatic Blue for the power  weapon effect.

Paint the plasma coils with Contrast paints, as for the nuns.


Inquisition base, with Polished Gold washed Agrax Earthshade for some faded looks but highlighted again with Polished Gold on the corners.


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