
Monday, January 10, 2022

Legion of the First Prince vs Seraphon, 2022.01.05


Even though Be'lakor is only half painted, I decided to take him out for a ride against some Coalesced Seraphon in this 2000 point game of Feral Foray (I think) along with his friends Virulax and Arbra'Gax. Up against them is a horde of assorted dinosaurs, lizards and frogs.

Battle round 1

I was terrified of the shooting, but the Seraphon took first turn only to run their 3 monsters for extra points while not actually moving forward. I had no wish to send Be'lakor to fight (and die) alone, so I also just ran with the 3 big guys - but I did move everything forward, with the slow moving Great Unclean One using At the double! I summoned the new and improved Plaguebearers ahead to keep him company.

Battle round 2

The Seraphon had initiative again, and they started off by killing by Bloodletter unit for Broken Ranks.  Well I didn't they they would do anything anyway. They shot off a Plague Drone and some other models, but to no great effect. 

I summoned a new unit of Bloodletters just to have Be'lakor reroll to hit, then charged in everything for Savage Spearhead. 

I barely killed anything; the Bloodthirster and the Daemonettes as well rolled terribly, Virulax did 0 wounds in combat to the Bastiladon (only the mortal wounds from the rampage), and Be'lakor failed to kill the Engine of the Gods even with flaming weapons.

We were equal in points (I did not raid the left most objective, hoping to hold it) at the end of round 2.

Battle round 3

The Seraphon had priority again, so I played Be'lakor's ability against the Stegadon on the far right. He managed to do nothing, except score Monstrous takeover. The summoned Plaguebearers mostly died to shooting, but who cares. Everything else went into Be'lakor, who survived by passing even more wounds to the Plaguebearers.

The Engine summoned Saurus Warriors in the backfield, reinforcing the right flank.

At least the Saurus on the left flank died, freeing up the Bloodthirster. On the right, the Plague Drone still stands strong after a Saurus charge. The Engine of the Gods died as well with Be'lakor focusing everything into it.

The tide began turning once I took initiative. Even though I couldn't get any spells off, I managed to score Broken ranks by focusing short range shooting and everything Be'lakor had into the Saurus guard. The Bloodthirster took out the standard bearer, and Virulax did more mortal wounds to the Bastiladon.

Summoning failed, but I was now at a +2 point advantage. The Seraphon contemplated conceding, but I proposed we at least roll for priority. I won (for the first time, yay) and we quickly math'ed out the massive lead that I'd take, not to mention all the models I'd kill.

We shook hands and let Be'lakor bask in his eternal glory.


I love how this army plays. Be'lakor is very resistant, but he did start losing wounds once everything focused on him. 

Plaguebearers are now awesome for summoning with their doubled wounds characteristic.

The Bloodthirster is a disappointment in combat as ever. He makes up for it kind of with short range shooting, mobility and monstrous abilities.

After all the praise the new Great Unclean One received in Maggotkin, I did not expect him to fail so hard in combat. Or was it just the 1+ save? We'll never know.

Seraphon shooting is terrifying, even with some poor rolls. I used everything at my disposal to mitigate it, and survived.

And finally: don't let yourself be boxed into a corner!

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