
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Painting an inquisitor with sword and condemnor boltgun


The third of the trio of classic inquisitors, named after the redhead Caecilia from the series 'Spartacus'.


Grey Seer, as I wanted a vibrant color scheme.

Fiery dress

Ironically, start with a black basecoat.

Drybrush softly with Dark Fleshtone, but make it stronger at the lower ends.

Not strong enough, so apply some watered down paint.

Now the recesses weren't dark enough, but Nuln Oil sees to that.

Layer Heavy Red.

Drybrush and layer Bloody Red. If I were going for just 'red cloth' I'd probably stop here.

Continue the highlights with Wild Rider Red and Hot Orange.

I then switched to Sun Yellow for some fiery swirls. This was barely visible, so I mixed in some white for highlights.

Fiery orange hair

Basecoat Wild Rider Red. Broad highlights Hot Orange.

Highlight Orange Fire. I tried concentrating on individual strands, but it just got lost.

Highlight Sun Yellow, which again got mostly lost. So I first added back some definition with Fuegan Orange, then mixed Dead White into Sun Yellow for final highlights.

Armor and blade

I went black to contrast with all the bright warm colors. Shiny black on the armor, and kind of the same on the blade, but with Jade Green instead of Turqoise.

Remaining details

Shiny silver metallics, then cover some with Snakebite Leather and Iyanden Yellow for bronze/gold effects. 

Light skintone with eyes and lips.

Paint the arrows white, then wash Nuln Oil, then again the fletching with Agrax Earthshade.

Paint the purity seal as for Cherubael (which should be a painting tip by now).


Inquisition base, with Polished Gold washed Agrax Earthshade for some faded looks but highlighted again with Polished Gold on the corners.


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