
Monday, January 3, 2022

Magnetizing an Astra Militarum Chimera


I always wanted a vehicle or some such to fully magnetize with a lot of options. Demons can be magnetized but it doesn't look pretty, they being organic and rounded shapes. The opportunity presented itself when I bought a Chimera for my nuns to ride in.


I found this excellent guide about magnetizing Astra Militarum vehicles and I did follow some of the directions given. However, I magnetized some other options as well, and I tried to change anything that involves parts snapping to place. I did that with the wings on this beast and the paint always chips. Going back all the time to fix paints chips is not my idea of fun.

Augur array

Or, at least that is how I'll use this comms/radar thingy. Assemble the component then drill a 3mm hole in the back (where it is supposed to be glued to the turret) and insert a 3mm magnet.

Same for the back of the turret. Reinforce the inside with green stuff. After it dies, reinforce with additional superglue.

Dozer blade

I followed the instructions but accidentally drilled through. Maybe use a grip vice instead of a power drill? Anyway doesn't matter, this part will not be visible.

Glue in 3mm magnets.

Green stuff the back of the holes, smooth it out.

Cut the middle of the rails to make space for the magnets. 

Fit to the underside, and let the magnets guide the placement. Superglue in.

Reinforce with green stuff. After it dries, reinforce with additional superglue.

Hull weapon

Follow the instructions and close off the slot in the hull. Use plastic glue in abundance, this piece will need to be solid.

After it dries, drill in the 3mm magnet. 

Reinforce with green stuff. After it dries, reinforce with additional superglue.

Drill the heavy bolter piece and glue in a 3mm magnet.

Fill in the heavy flamer with green stuff and place in the 3mm magnet.

Hunter killer missile

Drill the stand and glue in some 2mm magnets. I unfortunately drilled through a side, maybe a grip vice will offer more control.

Glue the stand to the hull.

Drill the missile and glue in the magnets.

I added a third magnet to the end of the missile, such that it can be comfortably placed on a to-be-created stand.

Test fit.

Turret weapon

This is where I diverged completely as I don't want to snap the turret guard into place all the time. First drill the rotating component and glue in a magnet. Then glue on the turret guard.

Reinforce with green stuff. After it dries, reinforce with additional superglue.

Drill and glue a 2mm magnet into the multilaser and heavy flamer.

Things get finicky for the heavy bolter. I prepared a piece of sprue to be used as the connector. Shave the sides carefully, so that it fits into the turret hole.

Cut to size, assemble the heavy bolter mounting, then glue in the connector using plastic glue.

Reinforce with green stuff. After it dries, reinforce with additional superglue.

Tank commander

Cut a rough disc of plasticard (using scissors) to close the inside of the turret. Glue it in.

Saw your intended tank commander miniature roughly at the waist (jeweler's saw made quick work out of this white metal nun, much better than expected).

Drill the upper body and glue in a magnet. I could only fit a 2mm on in here.

Compensate with a 5mm magnet below the plasticard.

Drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword!

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