
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Painting an inquisitor with boltgun and tome


The last of the classic inquisitors, named after the conniving villain himself - Batiatus.


Prime Grey Seer. I started with the base because it involved drybrushing.

Light grey armor

I did not want this to become NMM... but it kind of did.

Mix Heavy Charcoal and Cold Grey to approximate Mechanicus Standard Grey for a solid basecoat.

Mix in more Cold Grey for the first layer.

Cold Grey highlight.

Mix Cold Grey and Ghost Grey for the next highlight. Final regular highlights using pure Ghost Grey.

Extreme highlights using Dead White for that NMM feel, and blackline the panels using Black Templar.

Apply some painting tips

Additional details

I painted the sash Iyanden Yellow on a whim, then painted the motifs in silver.

Then I painted some of the metallic parts with Blood Angels Red and Snakebite Leather.

Scroll same as the book (see below), with the purity seal wax in Volupus Pink, then Squid Pink.

Orange leather

Basecoat Gryph Hound Orange.

First highlight of Heavy Skintone - although I wasn't sure what to do on this large open area.

Pale Flesh turned out to be too stark a highlight, thankfully this part of the book will be facing the miniature and will not be very visible.

Book page & writing

Basecoat the page in Wraithbone, then coat Agrax Earthshade. Glaze Bonewhite over the middle, and edge highlight the pages.

Writing using Blood Angels Red and Black Templar.

Final assembly

Glue in the pin using superglue.


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