
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Painting orcs


Ages ago, I bought  a bunch of these guys second-hand in various states - from on-sprue to mostly painted. They've seen some action in the past in D&D. I decided on painting them, starting with 5 that were mostly painted, as well as 5 that were primed in some sort of khaki color.

Mostly painted initial state

Contrast basecoats on khaki primer

Ork Flesh, Snakebite Leather, Flesh Tearers Red, small patches of Cygor Brown for variety, Wyldwood handles.


Originally Flesh Tearers Red over khaki, but it came out way too dark, so I gave it a coat of Bloody Red and an edge of Hot Orange. Then I freehanded the Horde symbol using Black. This is a throwback to this standard bearer (the pictures are no longer visible for some reason, but I can assure you that he's holding a large red flag with the Horde symbol on it).

I did the same on the mostly painted squad.

Metallics and highlights

I gave the primed squad rusted arms and armor. I highlighted the dark silver of the painted guys in the same step, which was previously heavily shaded black. I also scratched up the shields to show wear and tear.

Further highlights:

  • diluted Scorpion Green on the skin
  • Beasty Brown over Cygor Brown
  • light leather
  • horns
  • Agrax Earthshade over Bonewhite for the fangs and claws
  • Fresh Blood over Flesh Tearers Red
  • Fresh Blood eyes

The squad leader has a black top hat, of all things.

The painted squad received the same skin and face highlights, as well as rusted weapons as they were just basecoated silver. Their leather was darker, so I highlighted it with Khaki instead.


Woodland base.


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