
Monday, April 18, 2022

Legion of the First Prince vs Maggotkin of Nurgle, 08.04.2022

The Legion of the First Prince, led by the brother Bloodthirsters, faces off against a mixed force of Nurgle mortals and daemons in 1500 points of... whatever this is. Whoever designed this L shaped deployment is a psycho.

This lord changed into a Lord of Plague for this game.

Battle round 1

...passed in about 10 minutes as both forces ran towards each other. I gave the Maggotkin priority and their Nurglings jumped out of infested terrain unto the side objectives. I ran onto the far one as well, outnumbering the Nurglings. The main forces of the Legion focus on the center.

Battle round 2

I won priority, but saw no reason to take the double turn. The Maggotkin obliged me, and charged into my objective holders. 

The Blightkings mowed down a lot of Horrors.

Good luck telling apart the Plaguebearers.

I was content to leave the Maggotkin divided, with the bulk of their forces blocked off by the huge forest on the left. (Which I placed there, mwhahaha).

I instead crashed my monsters into the gummed up battlelines, clearing out the Blightkings.

At this point we were close in points, perhaps I was leading by 1 due to Ferocious Advance with 3 monsters in the first turn.

Battle round 3

The Maggotkin seized the initiative and decided to Slay my Warlord, the Unfettered Bloodthirster.

The Blightkings and Plague Drones charged in, but due to a combination of Unleash Hell, Monstrous Actions (Roar on the Blightkings) and positioning, barely made a dent.

After like 3 rounds of combat, the Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster finally eliminated enough Plaguebearers to Conquer the objective.


At this point we ran out of time, but we rolled for initiative and I had the double turn. Combined with my slight point lead of 14-11, the obstinacy of my Warlord in refusing to die, and me blocking off the remaining Maggotkin forces from the objectives, we agreed to call it a victory for the Legion of the First Prince.

I have never faced the new Maggotkin until now, and I have to say they are very fluffy and fun to play (with and against, I think). Sadly there is no synergy between the demons and mortals. The Blightkings are great on their own, but support does wonders. The demons seem to do zero effective damage (except the Great Unclean One, which I know well), but rack on the disease counters quickly. I lost many Horrors to mortal wounds.

As for the Legion, the Bloodthirsters are poo (but I already knew that) and the Great Unclean One is, erm, great (but I already knew that as well). Even without the Fourfold Blade, it stood its ground and minced the Blightkings.

And if you're wondering why I never summoned anything... I failed all 3 rolls. Sad reacts only.

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