
Monday, March 21, 2022

Chaos Daemons vs Aeldari, 16.03.2022

2000 points of the Scouring

Mostly Khorne Daemons with Be'lakor on the right, wraith constructs on the left. This player optimized terrain is great, but it presents its own challenges.

Battle round 1

The wraiths cautiously advanced and shot some nurglings. The Wraithblades tried a charge, but failed.

I advanced as well into cover, running out with a Bloodthirster to engage the top flank and get the wraiths off an objective. Overwatch, 2x fate dice hit, dead Bloodthirster. We learn something new every day.

At least I was able to start doing multiple actions on objectives and Nachmund data. I also flew Furies on the bottom objective, depriving the Aeldari of primary points come turn 2.

Battle round 2

The Wraithblades crashed into the Nurglings, clearing them off the objective. Shots were fired but nothing else died. The D-flamer Wraithguard held back in reserve.

On my turn, I went all in, to very little effect.

One squad of 20 Bloodletters and a dual talon Khorne prince charged into the Wraithblades, barely scratching their paint. -1 damage is frightening against 2 damage stuff. I dislike blaming dice, but the saves were exceptionally good. On the other hand, the attacks back bounced off and I rolled a 1 for morale, so I took the objective with my troops.

The Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster charged into the Wraithknight and... barely scratched it as well.

At least Be'lakor got into a Wraithlord and wiped it off the board.

Again, the Aeldari began their next turn with only 1 objective under their control.

Battle round 3

The severely gimped Wraithknight fell back, shot, and charged, bu the Bloodthirster still stood.

The Wraithblades fell back and charged to wipe my Bloodletters.

The big squad of Wraithguard arrived in my backlines and cleared everything within range.

On my turn, I decided to abandon my back lines and deny the D-flamers their utility. I instead went ahead with everything I had! The Screamers took the bottom objective, relieving Be'lakor who could then charge and severely gimp the Wraithknight. Summoned Furies hid behind their ruin, taking another objective. 

My Daemon Prince went for the characters, unfortunately I got greedy and split my attacks. Some rerolls and fate dice later, both survived.

At least the second squad of Bloodletters, arriving from the warp, took the Aeldari backfield, leaving them to start once again with a single objective.

Battle round 4

As the fighting intensified, I forgot to take more pictures. All the action concentrated on the middle, where I continuously denied the Aeldari their objectives, while holding as many as possible. The Wraithblades, able to withstand anything up till then, fell before Be'lakor - especially after a disastrous psychic phase where the Aeldari could not pull off any powers.

Battle round 5

As the dust settled, and the D-flamers got into range, I was left with a single model - Be'lakor, at 3 wounds. I decided on a final hurrah and went after the Wraithknight, denying 5 points of To the last and taking an objective for primary points.

Aftermath and scoring

Looking at the scoring sheet, I did pretty well on primaries. This was my second go at the Nachmund mission pack, and I had previously realized the importance of the new kind of primary points. At the same time, I could successfully deny the Aeldari their own primaries thanks to their lack of numbers and ObSec.

On the other hand, I was pitiful at scoring secondaries. We were both pretty good at denying secondaries, with the Aeldari killing all my action-capable units. Previous staples such as EoaF and Nachmund data barely brought in anything. The wraiths were very successful at killing me overall, as the assassination points show quite obviously.

The Aeldari themselves are - well, I can't speak about their faction overall, only what I've seen first-hand. And the wraiths are terrifyingly resilient, refusing to die until the big stuff goes in. Obviously, Be'lakor and his ignoring invulns, high damage attacks were the perfect counter.

Fate dice are an amazing mechanic, I could only wish for Tzeentch to have something like this. Keep an eye on them, otherwise your opponent may surprise you with a dead Bloodthirster on overwatch!

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