
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Magnetizing a Leman Russ Punisher/Demolisher/Executioner turret

Right off the bat: the turrets of the battle tank and the second variant are not compatible. So let's stick to this one first.I followed this tutorial with very few differences and I picked up some details from the Chimera turret

Assemble the guns as well as the decorations on the turret. Note that I did not magnetize the plasma generator on the back. Too much fuss.

Prepare the turret for a tank commander and an augur array.

I thought that drilling the hole in the middle would be a good idea, but the seam actually derailed the power drill, making the hole larger than needed. I had to compensate with green stuff.

Drill a 3mm magnet into the rotating part.

Reinforce the back with green stuff and superglue.

Wait until the glue dries so that you can use it to check polarities.

The Punisher gun is hollow so the magnet needs to be placed inside green stuff.

The other two guns can be drilled normally.


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