
Monday, April 4, 2022

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Betrayal in the Undermountain

Live once again, woohoo! Of course, after so much time apart, we spent more time socializing than gaming. But we did manage to kill some stuff. Check out this cool chamber we advanced into...

We found a party of duergar led by a shield dwarf woman called Ella. They also had 2 pet cloakers. They offered an alliance, as they were having difficulties defeating the golem guardian of the treasure chamber.

We reluctantly agreed, and proceeded to test the defenses. If anybody stepped on the raised dais, the golem would come out. It was impervious to any physical damage. If there were no more bodies on the dais, it would return to its chamber and fully regenerate.

I tried flying over to the chamber entrance, but that triggered the golem as well. So I tried my original plan, which was to have the duergar killed by the golem, so we can take the loot without sharing. Sadly, they were reluctant to fight the golem, even backed by our magic. This left a single viable remaining option: Lightning bolt!

The rest of the party panicked, as they did not remember the fight from last time, where I learned that the duergar are not powerful combatants. Indeed, I cleared them all out with two lightning bolts. We then ground down the two cloakers. Unfortunately, their leader escaped by turning invisible. Too bad, she had lots of treasure on her. 

Then I summoned a demon to tank the golem and we killed them both.

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