
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Painting medieval townsfolk (Contrast)


The first commission work of the year: Reaper bones townsfolk.

How to spray prime Reaper Bones

I had previously noticed that spray primers behaved oddly. Mephiston Red was flaking off the Kraken while paints seemed to slide off white primers. Priming the models by hand is tedious. After scouring the internet for solutions, I came up with spray varnishing before applying a colored spray. By and large, this works. Check out these townswomen primed with Wraithbone.


After doing some research, I came to the conclusion that medieval low class women would still wear blue. So here starts the story of the maiden (center right), soon to be wedded (right). The Ultramarines Blue dress soon fades to Nighthaunt Gloom as she gives birth to children (left), then becomes just another fat merchant's wife (center left). Apothecary White aprons and headgear; Snakebite Leather belts and pouches; Aggaros Dunes hair; Darkoath Flesh skin; Guilliman Flesh baby skin.


Men on the other hand seemed to wear only uncolored linens and leathers, so here go these guys. The undershirt is Apothecary White, while the tunic is Seraphim Sepia for some lighter fabric than, let's say, Skeleton Horde would be. Then Snakebite Leather belts and pouches, Cygor Brown boots, and Gore Grunta Fur leather clothing, like pants, vests and hats. Darkoath Flesh skin. Aggaros Dunes blond hair, Black Templar black hair, Nuln Oil grey hair. Basilicanum Grey belt buckles.

About the same for the second batch, except I did not like the cold white undershirt that much, so I avoided that. For variety, the rightmost guy got a Black Templar overcoat, and Wyldwood hair.

Special characters

Well, the kids aren't that special and just use the peasant color scheme. The guard has more metal on him, and the merchant is richer. I looked up medieval rich outfits, and looks like people really liked to wear greens and reds.

For the last batch, I decided on a cooler color scheme. The women follow the color scheme above, but with Black Templar overcoats. The cloaked figure is just black as well.


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