
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Painting dirty white Bloodletters


The second 5-man batch of the old white primed Bloodletters. I had to re-prime a couple of them due to all the chipping. I broke them off their washers and glued them to 32mm bases. Again, I saw the idea for this paint scheme somewhere, but I don't remember where, so thanks to the original contributor!

Painting the skin

Prime white. Coat Reikland Fleshshade.

Drybrush Rakarth Flesh.

Comparing to the sample pictures, I think I should have done a heavier wash and a heavier drybrush.

Anyway, moving on to an overall wash of 1:1:2 Drakenhof Nightshade/Agrax Earthshade/water.

Rakarth Flesh super highlights.

Painting the face

Basecoat the tongue Sombre Grey.

Wash diluted Druchii Violet.

Highlight 1:1 Sombre Grey/Electric Blue.

Drop Flesh Tearers Red into the eye sockets, it doesn't really matter if it overflows a bit.

Dead White pupils.

Painting the sword

I tried a wash-based lava sword but the Contrast version looks a lot better, honestly.

Cassandora Yellow over white. Then come in at the edges with Bloodletter, if you apply it thin enough it's quite orange.

Another layer of Bloodletter takes it more towards reddish tones.

Paint the edges Black Templar.

Dark gold guard and pommel.




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