
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Painting white bloody Bloodletters


I found some old white primed Bloodletters in a box. They've seen action in the past, so some of them presented chipping and such. I selected 5 un-chipped ones, broke them off their washers and glued them to 32mm bases, then prepared them for an alternate paint scheme. I saw the idea for this paint scheme somewhere, but I don't remember where, so thanks to the original contributor!

Painting the skin

Prime white. Basecoat Ghost Grey.

Paint overall in 1:1 diluted Nuln Oil.

Paint the black areas Black Templar (horns, teeth, tongue, nails, claws, back fin, sword handle).

Paint around any Khorne symbols, the face (as if crying bloody tears) as well as around the back fin Bloodletter glaze.

Drybrush everything Ghost Grey.

Paint the black areas Nuln Oil to reestablish the black and soften the chalky drybrush.

Paint around 2/3 of the red areas with Blood for the Blood God!

White superhighlights. Concentrate on the cheek and brow bones, back spots, and across the Khorne symbols.

Finish off the eyes by adding yellow pupils, with Heavy Goldbrown.

Painting the sword

Very simple but goes with the color scheme. I don't especially like the end result but it's okay.

Basecoat Gryph Hound Orange.

Layer Blood Angels Red.

Black Templar edge.

Dark gold guard and pommel.




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