
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

May review and June goals

Another successful month gone by. Let's not jinx it tho!

Gaming wise, I leaned into Warhammer 40k with the nuns. After the dataslate update, they got a pretty good buff. I dropped the assassins and proxied some tanks for some rather fun games. Inquisitor Clotilde has yet to make her points back, though.

D&D trudges on as ever, although the sessions are getting ever shorter. We'll never get through the Undermountain... or at least not this year.

The MAGUS sessions continue (honestly, to my surprise). I have shouldered the mantle of DM, and I'm currently guiding party members old and new through a dungeon.

Painting wise, I am done rebasing all my Chaos Marines, and I painted some new models as well. I expect this to continue, as I'm currently assembling a Lord Discordant! There's also a spike in commission works along with the renewed interest in MAGUS, expect my first dragon to be finished this month.

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