
Thursday, June 2, 2022

Painting Ogryns & Bullgryns


After plenty of conversion work, I had no mind to innovate on painting as well. I just wanted to quickly get these guys done using tried-and-tested techniques.

Preparation & prime

Create some 40mm cobblestone bases. Pin the miniatures to the bases. Prime Wraithbone.


Use the good old painting tips:

Some simple effects:
  • Wraithbone/Snakebite Leather on the knife (bayonet) grips
  • Nuln Oil in the eyes (they are way to small to be painted)
  • Basilicanum Grey/Stonewall Grey stone clubs
  • orange gun cables to contrast with the blue coils. Gryph Hound Orange did not taint the recesses enough. Then neither did Fuegan Orange. Finally, Carroburg Crimson did the trick. Drybrush Orange Fire.
  • varied hair and beard colors
The teeth and nails got a basecoat of Bonewhite, then Skeleton Horde. The teeth then got a coat of Agrax, while the nails got some Gore Grunta Fur to simulate grime. Bonewhite highlight both.

The one thing I did experiment with was speeding up the process. I started with the Darkoath Flesh, then applied the flesh highlights by drybrush. I slopped all over but who cares. Apply all the Contrast/wash basecoats next. Then do the Cobblestone up until the final drybrush. Then basecoat the metal parts Basilicanum Grey, so that the silver will handle better.

Then paint all the metalics.

Then the rest of the highlights. Honorable mention to the guns...

... the pants...

... and the beards. This Bone'ead got white beard.

Basecoat Wraithbone, paint Wyldwood/Aggaros Dunes. Highlight Wraithbone, paint again with Contrast.

Paint Nazdreg Yellow over the brass details.

I initially wanted to do some complex tattoos but decided against it and just began drawing an aquila using Black Templar.

I also drew a larger aquila and a skull using Blood Angels Red. I tried keeping the designs simple, as to fit the brutish looking Ogryns. Perhaps too simple? I'll try something else next time.


Prime Leadbelcher, paint dark metal as above. Besides the edges, I also painted claw marks using Chainmail Silver. Highlight the central doodads.

I then painted the doodads Nazdreg Yellow, for a simple brass effect.

Brute shields

Prime the small shield with Leadbelcher.

Prime the transparent plastic with Munitorum Varnish.

I painted it with several layers of Guilliman Blue and gloss varnish. The blue paint leaves watermarks no matter what I tried, so I went with it and drew the paint from the exterior to the interior for an energy effect.

Prime the shield bosses Leadbelcher and paint them dark metal/speed silver as above.

Nazdreg Yellow over the brass parts.

Paint the skulls. At the same time I painted the scroll with 2 layers of Agrax Earthshade over Wraithbone and a feathering of Nuln Oil. Freehand with Black Templar.

Simplified plasma coils.

Scrap away the paint and glue everything together.


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