
Friday, July 1, 2022

June review and July goals

Statistically another good month, although right now it doesn't feel like it, as I sit at home sick and feeling tired. But alas...

Hurrah for DnD, my ever constant pillar of sanity and social life. Even though we skipped a session this month, I don't foresee this stopping in the near future. Perhaps in July, we'll finish exploring the 6th level of the Dungeon of the Mad Mage.

We are now also regularly playing MAGUS! Still surprising, to be honest. We have adopted the DnD-style of play with "more than enough" players, so we can still meet up if somebody taps out. The party is making steady progress through the dungeon, I'll give them that.

With so many RPGs to play, I scaled back Warhammer a bit - just one game of 40k this month. However, with Codex: Chaos Space Marines on the doorstep, I expect this to change in July.

Painting wise, I got things done. I churned out a lot of Bones-type miniatures, as well as my first dragon (commission)! I also finished some Word Bearers, winning me a local painting competition. The Lord Discordant is still WIP, as I couldn't maintain focus and started more projects on the side. Oh well, that just means more Word Bearers to be done this month. And other stuff too, as I discovered the Slapchop Method of painting miniatures - more on this later...

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