
Monday, July 4, 2022

Astra Militarum vs Blood Angels, 29.06.2022

GT Nephilim wooohooo! I felt a bit off and took pictures in a chaotic manner. At least the game was short and killy. I rarely get first turn with the nuns, and I managed to fire a Deathstrike missile as well. All things considered, I had fun in this game of Tide of Conviction.

So I got first turn and started off by pushing up the wall of Conscripts, Tank Commanders in tow. Unfortunately I miscalculated ranges, and the two Demolisher cannons stood silent. At least the combined might of my artillery took out a 5-man Death Company squad equipped with Thunder Hammers.

I then immediately got some pointers regarding playing against Blood Angels as the tide of jump pack marines advanced on the field.

On the right, the Gatekeeper tank commander got tagged by Sanguinary Guard.

Pask got a squad of Eliminators' worth of melta in the face, and died. Then a large squad of chainsword-equipped Death Company charged my wall of Conscripts, killing most of them. Cadia stands!

Battle round 2

The hour is nigh! Fire the Deathstrike, straight at the Eliminators. Using the Vortex Missile stratagem, I did a cool 7 MWs, then killed an assault intercessor and wounded a character as well. The rest of the artillery then joined in, killing off the melta-dudes.

On the left flank, the Conscripts fell back, allowing the Demolisher tank commander to fire everything at the squad of exposed Death Company, killing them.

On the right, I did nothing of value.

And then the remainder of the jump pack marines surged forward.

Assault intercessors came out of the ruins.

The state of the board, right before the charge phase.

Sanguinary Guard tagged the Basilisks.

Astorath tagged the tank commander in the middle. I scored two demolisher hits on overwatch, but he saved both.

Conscripts under assault.

Dante joined the fight against the other tank commander, eliminating it.

At this point it was over. All my heavy hitters were dead or tagged in close combat, silencing the blast weapons forever. I did my turn, killing the Judiciar, but there was no way to score any more meaningful points. Let's say I learned a lot during this game.

Blood Angels victory!

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