
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Magnetizing a Leman Russ Battle cannon/Vanquisher/Exterminator/Nova

Disregard the tutorial completely this time. LED work is not compatible with detachable turrets, and I dislike the idea anyway.

Start by cutting up all the gun mounts at an angle. See the guiding marks.

The battle cannon and vanquisher cannon have a common bit, and I dislike snap-to type solutions. I glued the bit to the battle cannon (probably more the more used option) and decided on the this, erm, cannon extension. I dug out the white stick from my bits box. It's some sort of rolling pin, I don't remember what for. Saw off a proper length.

Have at it with the knife until it fits correctly on both ends.

Glue to the vanquisher cannon with a bit of green stuff in the middle to fill out the holes. After the superglue dries, cut off the excess.

Magnetize the gun mount and glue it in.

It's actually the Exterminator mount, as the other two are hollow. Snip off the two little nubs on the sides before gluing on the blast shield.

Drill and magnetize the guns. Fill out the hollow tubes with green stuff instead.

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