
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Painting a Catoblepas (slapchop method)

Try out the Slapchop Method on a larger miniature. 

Slapchop method


I wanted to start off with a lighter green, but Hexwraith Flame is not made for this kind of job.

Militarum Green on the other hand, was perfect. I also did stripes with Ork Flesh.

I did the bony outgrowths with Skeleton Horde and the eyes with Blood Angels Red. 

Paint the center of the stripes Dark Angels Green. Very subtle, but looks nice. I also painted vertical pupils using Black.


This would have went better with a real Contrast and not Hexwraith Flame - up until now, I thought they work identically. Later stages went well. Bone would look better on a lighter base, maybe a lighter grey. I tried two kinds of brown on the base, diluted Cygor Brown for the ground and Wyldwood for the log, but these parts were too dark (less of the drybrush got there) and there is no visible difference.


Woodland base.


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