
Monday, August 15, 2022

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Meeting Stoned Giants

We descended into the next level, prepared for any manner of horrors we might encounter. All we met were umber hulk remains and large caves. Right up until we walked into a giant throne sculpted into the rock. Upon inspection, it was surrounded by precious stones, which we immediately decided to mine. 

There were two exits from the room, one marked with an X and one with noise coming from that direction. With no help from Augury, we decided to investigate the noise. But first, let's stand on the X! Or rather, let's push one another unto the X, to see what happens! Well, nothing.

As we advanced into the noisy room, the noise stopped, so I sent my zombie forward, only for it to be squashed by a stone giant. Sigh.

We prepared our combat spells, and let Tari talk to the big man. Well, Szivem tried first, but her broken language skills did not amount to much. Tari managed to stop him from attacking. Yay!

And so we stood to talk with Graviloc, or rather, prod him with questions, some of which he answered. He was making stone giant art representing their god, Skoraeus Stonebones, which I complimented to no effect. Finally, I remembered that we are playing D&D, so I asked if he has any quests for us. He immediately became suspicious, and decided to take us to his father, the leader of the 'family'.[1] We also found out that tunnels marked with 'X' mean 'No.'

Next, we met a giantess named Sorta who was playing a giant flute made of rock.[2] Again, finely crafted compliments fell on deaf ears.

Finally, Graviloc walked us into a giant cave - a stone cathedral in the making! Here we met Lolka and Bolek[3] who did give us a quest: to bring some artwork for their cathedral. We brought them some stonework from the 6th level using my floating disk.

So as we are returning with the stonework, Tari noticed a small faery dragon disapper, just as the caves changed - crystals disappearing, vegetation appearing etc. At which the stone giants accused us of foul play and started throwing rocks. Sigh. Nobody in this dungeon wants to live. Well, except us. We got on our broomsticks and left. Well of course Sorta used her flute to call giant bats to chase us, but a self-centered Fireball by Szivem[4] followed up by a volley of arrows by Tari cleared them out. We flew into the first X-marked exit, happy that the giants won't follow us. 

...but what will follow?

[1] Sounds like a mobster.
[2] Sensing a theme here.
[3] Custom giant names, inside joke.
[4] Next time I'm taking Tari on my broom.

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