
Thursday, August 18, 2022

Painting a brush holder dragon


A gift from a friend and a good way to 'rest' in between all the NMM done on Be'lakor. Also: I did not really care about the color scheme, so I let my daughter choose the dominant color (she chose green).

Painting the dragon

Prime Munitorum Varnish, then Wraithbone. Coat the stomach and other 'soft' parts with Skeleton Horde.

Drybrush these parts with Wraithbone.

Apply a generous coat of Ork Flesh on the scales, then a quick drybrush of Scorpy Green on the face, arms, knees, back plates.

Paint the eyes Silver, then Blood Angels Red for a nice contrast with the green scales.

Paint the pupils with about 3 layers of Black Templar.

Paint the horns. For the leathery membranes, I went to this medium skintone but applied a layer of Carroburg Crimson before the highlights.

Painting the base

Prime Retributor Armour, then wash and drybrush just as this other pile of gold

Paint the scattered objects Wraithbone, then paint them with Contrast paints: Gore Grunta Fur mug, Apothecary White pearls, Wyldwood/Snakebite Leather sword.

Final steps

Glue the dragon to the base by scraping off the contact points and applying copious amounts of superglue. Spray varnish.


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