
Thursday, August 4, 2022

Painting genies (slapchop method)

Part of a Frostgrave lot I bought off eBay some time ago. With two identical genies, I decided on painting one red - perhaps an efreeti or demon. This allowed me some further experimentation with the colors as well.

Slapchop method

Apply Stirland Battlemire before priming.

Contrast paints

Blood Angels Red and Talassar Blue for the skintone. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the outcome. Ork Flesh fared well on the pants; Gryph Hound Orange came out brownish. Nazdreg Yellow does a passable impression of gold. Snakebite Leather is nice, too. I tried diluted Cygor Brown on the ground instead of Wyldwood, looks better but still too dark.

Regular paints

I picked out the jutting teeth using Wraithbone, and painted the bracers gold.


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