
Thursday, August 4, 2022

Painting giant rats (slapchop method)

Part of a Frostgrave lot I bought off eBay some time ago. I decided to try them out with the slapchop method, see how the fur fairs. Spoiler: they look great. I also tried to use Stonewall Grey instead of Cold Grey, but it looked about the same for lightness, but with bluish hints. Back to Cold Grey it is.

Slapchop method

Apply Stirland Battlemire before priming.

Contrast paints

Blood Angels Red eyes, Guilliman Flesh tails and hands, Skeleton Horde teeth.

Basilicanum Grey fur, Wildwood base.

Conclusion on the Slapchop Method so far: Light Contrast paints look bad (unless you want a dirty effect like this rat tail). Dark Contrast paints look bad (the highlights on the ground are very visible due to the intense light, but in normal tabletop conditions they are barely discernible). Midtone Contrast paints look awesome!


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