
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Painting a Night Hag and Dusk Hag


The last batch from my latest purchase of Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures.


I basecoated both of these ladies with Contrast paints, then highlighted as needed, finishing off with some cheap effects.

Night hag

Black hair and horns (also skulls). 

Shyish Purple skin, highlighted Heavy Violet, then superhighlight by mixing in Dead White.

Nazdreg Yellow robe. It seemed too clean, so I went over with Agrax Earthshade as well, before doing minimal highlights with Fluo Yellow.

Skeleton Horde wrappings; again they seemed too clean, so I went over with Nuln Oil. Bonewhite highlights.

Aggaros Dunes ropes; Nuln Oil to rough them up; Filthy Brown highlights.

Two layers of Gryph Hound Orange on the tabard; I tried a highlight in between, but it doesn't show at all.

Speed silver bracers. Paint the jewelry silver as well, then apply Citadel technicals: Waystone Green, Soulstone Blue, Blood for the Blood God!

After spray varnish (which "primes" the transparent plastic) apply a bit of Aethermatic Blue unto the spell effect. Finish that with a coat of gloss varnish, which not only makes it "glow" better, but removes any fogging from the plastic, leaving it truly transparent.

Dusk hag

Skin and horns. Simple robes with Beasty Brown over Cygor Brown. Simple hair with Nuln Oil over the white primer, and white highlights.


Color the raised base Wyldwood, and cover the rest of the black plastic with Stirland Mud.

Place some tufts.


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