
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Painting an axe murderer

Part of a Mansions of Madness lot I bought off eBay some time ago. I decided against the slapchop method, as I envisioned the guy in a white blood stained shirt, blond with a manic smile.

Prime white

Contrast paints

Ultramarines Blue, Apothecary White on the clothes - highlight as here.  

I did this blond hair by painting Aggaros Dunes, then highlight Bonewhite, then Dead White, and finally Seraphim Sepia. Skintone as usual, also eyes. I did the axe with Gunmetal, then I substituted actual highlights with streaks of Blood for the Blood God! I also applied some on his shirt and face, and even drew a hand print. No mercy!

Spray varnish at this point.


Simplified wasteland base.


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