
Monday, September 19, 2022

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Scouring the princess dollhouse

We carried on with our investigations, relentlessly scouring the halls for anything to do. And we did find a control room, with levers and buttons. We found controls for lighting and heating inside the castle, as well as ambient music and door switches. The first truly interesting lever teleported us to the top floor. Let the dungeon crawl continue!

The first room contained a portal (boo, useless!), a statue in progress, and some tridents on the walls. Well, why not take them as loot? Because they animate and try to kill us, that's why. Instead, we destroyed them.

Next up, in a dusty room, a copper piece fell when we opened the door. Investigation revealed that it was perched on the door top, to fall down when the door opens. 

The next dusty room was full of broken glass and stuff, with four animated brooms cleaning up. Szivem broke the last intact window, just to give them more work to do.

Next up, a room with the inscription: "Homunculi unwelcome" in Draconic. The room was full of trash. Szivem lit it up for fun, and stood in the middle of it all with arms stretched out and laughing evilly. I decided it would be the perfect time to recreate the flying scene from Titanic. I got nasty burns - totally worth it!

Another glass door and a room with a scroll on the wall. And two bats flying around. Naturally, as we moved in, they transformed into Nycaloths. Finally, something challenging to kill.

Of course, I never fight fair. I banished one of the fiends, and we quite easily chopped down the next one. I then autopsied it to find out about its resistances.

The inscription below the scroll said: "Break the glass in case of emergency." Well it was a scroll of Cloudkill, and I wanted it, which constituted an emergency as far as I was concerned. I broke the glass and took the scroll.

In the throne room, an electrum piece fell down from the door. Szivem mounted the throne, and paid my respects to her royal posturing.

In the final room of this floor, there was an alchemy lab. Just as I was gathering up the alchemical supplies, we were attacked by a faery dragon. Of course, you can't put an elf to sleep, so instead we were blinded, and Szivem was made to Fireball the room. This woke us up. We tried to reason with the dragon, but it just flew around invisibly, making our life miserable. So we closed the door, and I summoned a Barlgura, which has blindsight. I made it kill the useless dragon.

With that business done, we headed back to the control room, where we took a long rest, and prepared to push the button labeled "Do not push". Instead of a boss fight, we just got electrocuted. Sigh.

Disappointed at not finding a princess or something living here, we left the castle. A homunculus then reclaimed the helmet. Not even a keepsake. At least I stole the remaining perfume bottles.

At this point we expected to have a great conversation with the stone giants, having killed their draconic threat. Instead, we discovered they forgot all about us, and the dragons, and the changing caverns, and everything. We couldn't make them see sense. So we left, again disappointed, before anything untoward could happen.

Next up: level 8!

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