
Thursday, September 22, 2022

Painting Obliterators (Shadowspear)


I bought the chaos half of Shadowspear when it came out, but never got around to assembling the models. In preparation for the Chaos Space Marine codex release, here's the two Obliterator models.


One of them has a wide stance, so he can be assembled fully.

Always drill out your gun barrels.

I left the second one with arms off for ease of painting, as his arm/weapon/fuel tank is very close to his leg.

Basing preparation

Flesh out the bases using bits of the Sector Imperialis basing kit. Then fill out any gaps with putty.


Start with the armor

Skin and bones/horns/toenails.

A few smaller details: muzzle flash, Snakebite Leather over any shells and flamer heads for a simple brass effect.

Paint the white cloth and all the random eyes. Green plasma coils.


Marble for the statue fragments, silver plate with Gore Grunta Fur rust streaks, cobblestone colors for the mulched up ruins in between. Work towards weathering the cloth but instead of the brown palette use grey - drybrush at the same time as the cobblestone.


Word Bearers icon. Base with Heavy GoldBrown, then Sun Yellow.

Daemon head using Black Templar.

Reverse order for the icon of the Serrated Sun.

Paint the lower half of the flamer tank in Silver, then Waystone Green.

Muzzle flash and flames. Glue on cotton wool...

Cut it and shape it into roughly what we want.

Paint in a "base color", Lamenter's Yellow for the muzzle flash...

... and Waywatcher Green for the flame.

The 'raw' cotton wool takes in a lot of paint and will deform somewhat. I adjusted it a bit with my fingers and left it overnight to dry. It dried to a lighter color (a pleasant surprise), and I was able to add more colors. 

The regular explosion got some Fuegan Orange about halfway up, and a bit of Blood Angels Red on the end.

I darkened the end of the green flame with Hexwraith Flame and Ork Flesh.


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