
Thursday, October 13, 2022

Converting Havocs using Kromlech miniguns

Kromlech has some really nice bits, let's test these Chaos Legionary Reaper Miniguns using the old Chaos Space Marines plastic kit.

First of all, a small caveat: since these arms are held pretty much at chest height, I decided to save some chaos torsos and use some loyalist ones. I scraped off the aquilas beforehand, of course.

And these are the minigun bits.

The plastic body, legs and base were glued using plastic glue. Then I simply superglued on the miniguns. No pinning needed, they are sturdy enough.

Add heads and backpacks using plastic glue. Add shoulderpads using superglue.

Conclusion: the miniguns are a perfect fit. They are large enough that I think they would fit the current plastic kit as well.

Finally, to bring these marines in line with the newer sculpts, glue their 25mm bases directly on top of 40mm bases, then fill out the space with basing material and putty.

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