
Monday, October 10, 2022

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Into the swamp

We started off by going above ground to sell our loot. Time passed so I anxiously waited for the Wand of Lightning Bolts I ordered. Well, tough luck. The caravan was robbed. We went to investigate, only to find that the robbers used high level magic to teleport to an exact ambush location. I set the Zhentarim to work, and we went down to the next level of the dungeon.

As we walked through the previous level, I barely stopped Solid from walking into a chasm. Not trusting the rope ladder, I ferried everyone down on my broom. Our road let into swampy caves, the first of which contained a gate to the level above.

The following cavern of interest had a boot with a bone sticking out, it's owner pasted on the ceiling by an explosion of some sort. I went to investigate, at which points some vegetable mounds animated to attack us!

I was eager to try out my new 6th level spells, and Disintegrate worked like a charm, except it failed to kill the tree-monster in one go. However, my trusty skeletons and the rest of the party contributed as well. Ankylosaurus/Ireth tanked a lot of hits, and Tari rapid fired her bow as always.

The last remaining tree monster engulfed Solid and tried to suffocate him, but I could still see one leg sticking out, so I Polymorph'd him into a T-rex. He ate the tree, and just as he was about to eat us, I broke concentration. All's well that ends well.

As tradition dictates, I used the green sap of the monsters to write "Zyn and the Legends were here" on the cave wall.

Now I could pilfer the dead adventurer's belongings (his journal, and that's about it) in peace. Turned out he was a dwarf called Thubid Dustaxe looking for his cousin Agora, who was bewitched by snakes. Cool. There are also frog people. Cool.

We went in the direction where the journal indicated evil snake people, and we ran up against the statue of the Yuan-Ti god of nightmares, Dendar the Night Serpent. The ghost of a dead adventurer was circling the statue, looking for something. We tried to interact with it but got nothing, we dried to then destroy the statue but got nowhere as well. 

With the DM warning us that the next encounter will probably run overtime, we started off in the other direction, towards the frog people. We met 5 sitting around in a cavern, but we couldn't talk to them in any language. I offered them food and we backed off. Perhaps the spell Tongues will come in handy next session...

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