
Monday, October 17, 2022

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

This session is due to the courtesy of one of the new MAGUS members, who wanted to try out DM'ing the system. Note that this a bit of a spin on a published adventure with pre-made characters. The party consisted of most of the MAGUS team, taking on the roles of Else, the witch hunter (me); Ferdinand, the amethyst wizard; Molli, the halfling; Salundra, the noble; Gunnar, the trollslayer; and Amris, the elf merchant.

Due to the intense railroading of the adventure, the DM decided to translate it into flashbacks. Cue us awakening extremely hung over at a guard post in Ubersreik, with the station master, Rudi, telling us how bad the night was. We slowly remembered having an extended barfight, which was perfect to get to know the combat system. Then we geared up and went on patrol, saving a merchant from a thief (he only got half his money back, but better than nothing) and helping put out a fire (more like motivating the townsfolk to do it). We also remembered, grumbling intensely, the forced conscription into the town guard after a clear set-up for murder during a market fight. 

With everything in order, we were approached by a child asking us to help with a missing parent. Sali, leader of the group, agreed, and we ended the first session there.


Next session was about two months later, and we started with Rudi none too happy about us leaving to search for the kid's father. We paid for some beers and sent him off with Molli. Good riddance.[1]

The kid lead us to the slums, where we first questioned his mother. She admitted that multiple people had disappeared lately. Our well-dressed party attracted some attention, and it took some cajoling to the onlookers to collaborate. Salundra intimidated a nosey fellow, with me brandishing a pistol as help. 3 Resilience points spent, and still no new gossip. We decided to back off.

I came up with the idea of coming back at night to patrol the streets, which was then refined to set up a trap for the kidnapper. Ferdinand volunteered to be the bait, then reconsidered, but Molli reinvigorated the conversation by proposing Rudi as bait. We all agreed to put the corrupt and annoying bastard in harm's way, so we brought him to the riverside[2], put him down on a broken pier, and waited. Ferdinand and I hid behind some crates, Sali laid down under a boat, while the vertically challenged party members hunkered down behind barrels of rotting fish.

After just the right amount of waiting in the cold, damp night, a dark silhouette emerged from the river. Ferdinand and Molli noticed it, and they took action. Molli sent in Gunnar, while Ferdinand produced some magical light for us to see the monster.

We laid into it with greatsword, magical dart and two shots of my pistols. Gunnar was less useful, as he decided to douse his axe in alcohol and look for a fire to light it up, while Molli shot her sling. After taking some punishment, the troll made his escape, back into the river.

People started filing out from everywhere after the gunshots, and Molli convinced them that we killed  the monster. The crowd cheered.

Cut to Rudi being decorated for his awesome job at whipping recruits into shape and coordinating the monster hunt. The slimy bastard. At least we met somebody at the ceremony who shared our poor regards for the man. 

[1] The previous session, Molli was extremely annoying, going against the party with several choices, and just overall being a nuisance. This time, 'she' redeemed herself by first taking Rudi out of our way, then actually coming up with good ideas.

[2] Literally, as he was dead drunk.

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