
Thursday, November 3, 2022

Adding a LED light to a Lord Discordant

I learnt stuff while doing the Venomcrawler. I decided to put the switch on the side, instead of underneath.

Putting the LED into the body

Solder the LED to wires, then wrap the joints in duct tape. Superglue the tape, just in case. We do NOT want them to touch.

Cut off the orb, then cut some grooves around the orb's mount.

Superglue in the LED. Make sure to dryfit before.

Assemble the body using regular plastic glue. The wires are hanging out in a hole in the belly.

Adding the switch and battery to the base

Solder the circuit - I should write up a short tutorial by now. Cut up the base so the battery can be taken out and replaced. 

I decided to place the switch on the side this time, as I discovered with the Venomcrawler that if I embed it into the base, it won't sit flat on the table. Glue the switch in between pieces of cork, take care not to let glue flow into the switch.

3 layers of cork are sufficient.

Next up, cut out a plasticard disk about the same size as the base. Sketch out where the feet go. Drill a hole in the middle for the wires to come out. Glue this "roof" on. Start gluing basing material to it.

Use clippers to cut the disk to about the same size as the cork wall underneath. Seal the cork using watered down PVA glue. Then fill out any holes in the cork wall, as well as any sharp angles with putty.

Mount the model

After everything is painted, take off the duct tape and solder the ends of the wires. Glue the model. LED work done.

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