
Thursday, November 17, 2022

Reviewing and converting Chaos Bikers

Kit review

Disappointingly boring. Given their very specific weapon options in the codex, I expected all that to be in the box. Instead, there are 3 identical sprues to build the 3 bikers. This means they will all have the same chest, backpack, front plate, and a choice of two heads. If you assemble yours, make sure to mix it up using any other chaos marines kit, or at least that's what I did. You also need to do that for the weapons.

Conversion & magnetization

I assembled the champion first, using only options from the kit. I also glued in his bike combi bolters, as he cannot replace them. I also needed to see where they fit, as the instructions are lackluster.

Drill the marine arms before mounting him on the bike. Although the champion can only take a pistol OR a melee weapon, since these are different arms, I just magnetized both of his.

The other two bikers only have their right arms magnetized. This makes it easier to glue them, since both the arms and the torso are entirely mobile. So glue in the feet, snap the fixed arm to the steering, then put glue on the hip and shoulder joint, and put in the torso. Leave this to dry for a bit, as the torso will easily move around if disturbed.

Next, magnetize the combi bolter. Drill a 3mm hole in between all the hidden components. Make sure that the front plate is glued and dried, otherwise it will just come off.

Drill the bolter as well, 2mm.

Glue in the magnets.

Finally magnetize the extra weapon arms. Here we have a loyalist melta (with hand) and a chaos marine melta (with the grip cut off). The chaos marine arms all hold the weapon at their chest, so instead I repurposed these random Hellblaster arms I had lying around. Cut off the hand as needed. Add chaos marine shoulderpads.

I also glued some decorative spike with heads mounted on it on one of the backpacks, in lieu of a chaos icon.

For some flair, I place terrain elements on the base, drilled it, pinned the bike front wheels. Superglue the pin, plastic glue the back wheel.

These two kept lifting off, so they dried with the help of rubber bands.

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