
Monday, November 14, 2022

Painting Furry Force themed Possessed

As much fun as it was to convert these guys, it took a long time and I grew tired of them. Time to slap some paint on!


Prepare the bases using spare bits (mostly Space Wolves for the fun factor), broken statues, Imperial terrain, putty and Stirland Battlemire.


Slapchop method! And on to the Contrast paints. Most of the miniatures got 3 colors, one for the skin, one for the fur, and one for the cloth/armor. Here's the color palette used for each miniature:

Batch one, Furry Force inspired. Left to right:

  • Leon: Aggaros Dunes skin, diluted Gore Grunta Fur fur, Baal Red cloth
  • Callie: diluted Snakebite Leather skin, Iyanden Yellow fur, Striking Scorpion/Luxion Purple cloth
  • Trang: Apothecary White skin, Basilicanum Grey spots, Black Templar fur, Doomfire Magenta cloth
  • Gary: Gryph Charger Grey skin, Shyish Purple fur, Dreadful Visage cloth
  • Furrr...ancis! Nazdreg Yellow skin, Wyldwood fur, Baal Red cloth

Batch two, from Furry Apocalypse and subsequent episodes:

  • Darkwolf: diluted Ultramarine Blue skin, Leviadon Blue fur, Black Templar cloth
  • Bubblegum: diluted Volupus Pink skin, Frostheart fur, white (unchanged) cloth
  • Strongthing: diluted Ork Flesh skin, Striking Scorpion fur, Black Templar cloth
  • Starsparkle: Gryph Hound Orange skin, Doomfire Magenta fur, Black Templar cloth

Batch three, unnamed but Furry Apocalypse inspired:

  • Baal Red skin, Black Templar fur, white (unchanged) cloth
  • diluted Terradon Turqoise skin, Akhelian Green fur, Gryph Hound Orange cloth
  • Dreadful Visage skin, Shyish Purple fur, Iyanden Yellow cloth

Follow up with some common elements, applying painting tips:

Paint any gemstones with Silver, then either Blood for the Blood God! or Waystone Green.

Space Wolf bits

Alas, these Possessed no longer brutalize Imperial Fists. Instead, it's the Space Wolves' turn.

Basecoat Heavy Grey.

Bathe in Agrax Earthshade.

Heavy drybrush Russ Grey. This is a genius low effort move, and leaves the armor grimy and dark in the recesses.

Then put on some other basecoats: Heavy Red, Heavy Goldbrown, Glorious Gold.

Wash these details in Agrax Earthshade as well, and stiple some on the blue armor to grime it up. No need for final highlights, as I saved the final grey drybrush of the cobblestone scheme up to this point, and I went over these details as well, to blend them in and muck them up.


Pinned and slapchop'd separately, in appropriate colors.


I drilled two of the backpacks then inserted brass rods into the holes. 

Glue on the paper banners.


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