
Thursday, December 22, 2022

Painting an Eversor assassin


I bought this old metal assassin off eBay back in the day. Now it was time for him to join the fight for the Imperium.


I cut him off his 25mm base and glued the slot directly on a 32mm base. This should provide enough elevation for the model to be just as tall as its current iteration.

 I then filled out the base with broken pieces of Sector Imperialis and putty.

Later, his gun arm and backpack broke off several times. So I decided to pin them.

The drill went through the arm, so I filled in the holes with green stuff and superglue.


Prime black.

I painted the ruins as cobblestone but just before the wash step, I drybrushed Chainmail Silver over this grate.

After the wash step, do small highlights with the same Chainmail Silver.

A coat of Nazdreg Yellow gives a passable impression of old corroded brass.

Especially after adding a bit of Nihilakh Oxide, and coating the casting faults with Nurgle's Rot.

Now on to the assassin himself. Paint the bodyglove shiny black, then paint the weapons and gear dark metal. Paint the leather straps

Paint the skull helmet Dead White, Apothecary White, then highlight Dead White. I know that traditionally this guy wears a bone colored helm, but I thought a pale white mask would be more disturbing.

The two golden skulls are just Nazdreg Yellow over Chainmail Silver, while the lights are Iyanden Yellow over Chainmail Silver.

Finish off the final details. The syringes full of the good stuff are coated Waystone Gren, Soulstone Blue and Blood for the Blood God over Silver.

The eyes are Blood for the Blood God, the bullets on his chest are Snakebite Leather over Silver.


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