
Monday, March 20, 2023

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Magic academy of stupid statues

Back to the academy. We searched the slaughterhouse, to no avail. Then we searched the little girl's room. It had 9 voodoo dolls, for each other student, apparently. I identified one, and proceeded to take out the girl/hag's fingernails and whatnot and replace it with my own spittle, so I can use the dolls as well. I succeeded on all but one.

Next up, we wandered into an alchemy lab with a pool of toxic sludge in the middle. As we were looking around, Selene skimmed the sludge with her robes. Tentacles immediately rose out and pulled her under.


While the other fought the tentacles, I sent in the zombies to find Selene. They failed, so I went in myself.[1] I found her, took her in my arms, and, whispering my signature catchphrase[2], teleported us out.

I revived her, at which point she immediately fireball'd the pool. This ignited the fumes in the air, knocking her out again.


I bandaged up everybody, and we retreated for a short rest. Antrius took the time to hand over a love letter to Szivem, at which she lit up.[3] Then she realized it was just the goal to level up his magic lute.[4]

We carried on, passing between two statues, which acted as cheerleaders and said funny lines. Except for Szivem and Selene, who instantly died.

So, erm, what sort of school is this anyway?

Finally, we encountered a shady looking dude who hired us to kill Turbulence. We killed him instead.

Turbulence was grateful for this[5], and told us how to use the magic cauldron in the corner to restore spell slots. We decided to retreat into the dead guy's room for a long rest, because it's empty now, right? Well yes, but actually no. We had to defeat the giant zombie guard he left there. Looks like he was one of my kind anyway.

Though I did manage to pull out his spellbook from inside the giant zombie. A very cool book I might add, covered in coffin wood, written in blood on humanoid skin.

Here's hoping we'll get our long rest.

RIP, brother from another mother.

[1] The things I do for this party.
[2] Come with me if you want to live!
[3] This made Zyn sad. After all I've done for her.
[5] Not grateful enough to tell us how to leave, but grateful.

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