
Thursday, March 16, 2023

M.A.G.U.S. - Spidery showdown

The adventurers started exploring their small tunnel, leading into a much larger one. As soon as they stepped out from the enclosed space, the giant spider attacked! It was holed up right above the exit, giving it reach to pummel Ylimor into the ground.

Cahir tried to commune with the spider using his animal friendship medallion, only to be pulled inside the spider's every hungry mind. Some disturbing visions and failed rolls later, Cahir screamed and started batting himself, reaching for his elemental companion for mental fortitude.

Shamil pulled Ylimor back, then flew up to chop at the spider with his swords. Everybody else filed out and prepared to hit at the spider's legs when possible, except Ylimor who huddled in the corridor to heal himself.

Glory goes to Daramin, who danced out, took a hit, swatted a glob of green goo aside from the air, then launched a force missile at the spider. It did not seem to take damage, but it scurried away.

The adventurers continued on exploring the tunnels, and evaded another spider-ambush by looking around in a floating mirror. A suitable large flame eruption once again persuaded the spider to scuttle away.

Finally, the adventurers discovered a large, uninterrupted tunnel section leading towards some gates. Just as they were walking down, the spider appeared behind. They ran, with Daramin creating a fiery diversion. They got into the room, blocked the doors and waited... the spider rammed into the door, once, twice, thrice, then left. I let the party know that their previous vision/choice made all the difference in the world.

Once the immediate danger passed, the adventurers explored the storehouse they found themselves in. They replenished their food and water supplies, as well as changed clothes and took some souvenirs for Valeria. They left using a smaller door, just opposite the gates they entered.

Queue a couple days travel montage ever deeper into the bowels of the earth. The adventurers experimented with a strange new material running in veins along the ever larger corridors, even chewing on it to bloody effect.[1]

As the last happening of the session, I had  them roll dice at their last campsite. Biznard rolled lowest, so he experienced the vision of a grinning face while out relieving himself. Then he got hit in the face with a phantom axe. 

[1] At least they didn't pee in each other's mouths. Close, but not yet.

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